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€290,00 EUR
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Rüsten Sie Ihr Auto mit unserem praktischen DIY-Set auf, einschließlich Umgebungslichtern an den hinteren Türen und im Fußraum. Dieses Paket wurde exklusiv für Kuga MK3 entwickelt.

Der Installationsvorgang ist einfach. Sie müssen lediglich die Griffe durch die Originalgriffe ersetzen, die mit Umgebungslichtern ausgestattet sind. Der Draht muss durch den Gummiverbinder von der Kabine zur Tür gezogen werden. Dank des Nylon-Zugdrahts ist dieser Installationsteil relativ einfach. Wir empfehlen, sich das hier verfügbare Installationstutorial anzusehen - https://flickon.pl/tutorials

Dieses Set ergänzt perfekt die stimmungsvolle Innenraumbeleuchtung in farblich steuerbarer Optik im SYNC-System.

Im Set ist alles enthalten, was zur Montage notwendig ist, darunter:

  • 2x Fußraumleuchten hinten (Beifahrer in den Haltern verbaut),
  • 2x hintere Griffe (mit installierten Umgebungslichtern)
  • 2x Kabelbaum (je Seite für Fußraum und Haltegriffe),
  • Nylondraht (für die einfache Verlegung unter dem Boden und durch den Gummiverbinder)
  • Demontagewerkzeuge.

Rüsten Sie Ihre Umgebungsbeleuchtung auf und machen Sie Ihr Fahren angenehmer und stilvoller.


Abholung bei UL. URODZAJNA verfügbar

Gewöhnlich fertig in 24 Stunden

make your driving more pleasant & stylish


At our company, we take a straightforward and user-centric approach to concepts, guides, and installation movies. Our philosophy revolves around making the entire installation process seamless and hassle-free. We prioritize simplicity and ease to ensure that installation is straightforward and pleasant for our Customers. We aim to provide a user-friendly experience, eliminating complexities and difficulties commonly associated with such installations. Check our tutorials page - here

We deliver top-notch solutions to work seamlessly with your vehicle. Our team of experts works diligently to create solutions that not only enhance visual effects but also provide a seamless user experience. We understand that every vehicle is different, so our solutions are meticulously crafted with only genuine quality parts to ensure long-term durability. Focusing on precision and quality, each solution undergoes a thorough evaluation process to ensure a perfect fit and optimal integration with your vehicle. Trust in our expertise and transform your driving experience.

um es später zu vervollständigen

We prioritize eco-friendly practices to minimize our environmental impact. Through #biopack initiative, we use biodegradable fillers in our packaging, reducing plastic waste. We also embrace the #keepgreen approach by exclusively utilizing electronic invoices, eliminating paper consumption. Thanks to #zerowaste approach, we promote recycling programs and encourage responsible waste management. Additionally, the concept of #boxsecondlife helps to reuse cartons and packaging materials, extending their lifecycle and reducing unnecessary waste. With these approaches, we strive to contribute to a greener future while delivering exceptional products and services.


How much is the SHIPPING FEE?

The shipping costs depends on destination (15-20EUR), but for all orders above 50EUR delivery is free of charge for EU.

Can I install FLICKON sets on a manual gearbox?

"YES" it works for both automatic and manual gearboxes. However, there is only one slight difference in the first step of the installation, which is removing the central tunnel cover. There is a bit different cover construction. Still, a similar approach is acceptable to remove and reinstall it correctly.

For more details follow this link

Can I have a multicolored ambient light using FLICKON sets?

Basically, all FLICKON sets work as the plug&play extension of existing ambient light systems. So there are two answers where:

"YES" if you have a currently multicolored ambient system all MULTICOLOR FLICKON sets can work in a multicolor system.

"NO" if you have a single color ambient light (f.e. only in cups) you can extend it to all footwells but only in a single ice-blue shade.

Can I upgrade the single-color to a multicolor system by MULTICOLOR FLICKON sets?

"NO", all MULTICOLORED FLICKON sets work as the extention to the existing ambient light system. So if you have currently single-colored lights it will not work, because there is a noncompatible hardware (different harness wires, lamps, lighting control system, etc.)